What is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?

R.S.O, also known as “Rick Simpson Oil”,  is one of the most potent forms of cannabis oil extract. Canadian native Rick Simpson is the pioneer of one of the most powerful and therapeutic methods of cannabis consumption. When Rick Simpson was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2003, he became inspired by an article he read about the benefits of cannabis oil he then began to develop his own extract. This extract is known as RSO to this day. After just one week of topically applying the RSO to his cancerous growths, they began to disappear and an enemy to cancer cells everywhere was born. 

So what exactly is RSO and why is it a “killer of cancer cells”? RSO is a form of FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) or FSCO (Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil). The term “full” refers to a full inclusion of every compound in the plant (the cannabinoids, terpenes fatty acids, & flavonoids) being compressed into the oil. Ethanol, low heat, and patience is what helps yield the full spectrum extract. With every compound working together, this begins to stimulate a formation in the cells referred to as apoptosis. Apoptosis generates an effect that makes cancer cells destroy themselves, which is why this form of extract has been so beneficial in the medical cannabis field. 

There are multiple ways to consume RSO;  the two most common are through ingesting it or by applying it to your skin topically. When ingesting RSO, it is crucial to remember that its high potency is not to be taken lightly. For first time users and people with a low tolerance it is suggested that you take half the size of a grain of rice. Yes we said half the size! Just a small pinpoint amount can react very strongly for most people. The effects generally contain very strong sedation like body high, with intense feelings of euphoria and pain relief. For first time users, the intense euphoria can create an intense amount of paranoia and anxiety. This is why it is important to always start low and slow with RSO and work your way up to a comfortable dose. 


Pro Tip: if you have taken too much RSO a good way to over-power the intense effects is by chewing on peppercorns. This is because peppercorns have a large amount of caryophyllene which helps to counteract the intensive euphoria and settle any anxiety.


The best way to ingest RSO is by combining it with fat-soluble food items such as; peanut butter, fatty oils, or butter. It is important to ingest RSO with fat soluble foods because this allows for the cannabinoids to become more readily available to the receptors,Thus creating longer duration and stronger effects. 

Brands such as Grassroots, Dr. Solomons, and Nature's Heritage all produce a wide variety of RSO products, resulting in numerous strains and ratio varieties such as 1:1s and other added cannabinoids to produce the Entourage Effect. The entourage effect in cannabis is when terpenes & cannabinoids work together in the body to give you the best medicinal benefits possible. RSO comes in a syringe tube and is also dosed out in capsules! Ask your Green Point Wellness budtender today for your personal RSO recommendations.


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